What is your Companion Animal?


Animals are all around us. They capture our imagination with their natural attributes and personality traits, they humble us with the simplicity in which they live their lives.  Find an animal that you identify with and internalize the wisdom it imparts. Maybe it can help you to know yourself, love others, and respect the earth a little more. 

Animal Pendants are available for purchase in my Etsy shop

  FOX “A Fox is a Wolf who sends flowers” ~Ruth Brown
The Fox is brightly intelligent and a bit of a prankster who knows how to work a room with sly sexy humor. They will wind you into amazing adventures. It is tender hearted but doesn’t often show it’s soft side. The Fox is highly energetic and courageous with an indomitable spirit. They are loyal, untamable, and superb story tellers.  A friend of the Fox is a friend for life. 
Fox Attributes:  Skill in diplomacy, Loyal, Humorous, Energetic,  Untamable, Sexy, intelligent

CRANE  “If only I could find a guy who wasn’t in his 70s To talk to me about white cranes, I’d be madly in love” ~Leelee Sobieski
The crane is the only bird that flies non-stop between destinations.  Crane people have a thirst for knowledge and are affluent in many eccentric subjects. Cranes often appear to be gregarious but are actually quite shy on the inside. They are talented, intellectual people with many specialist skills and a sense of evolving spirituality. The Crane is said to protect the vulnerable with its embrace.  Cranes are unusually patient, they can be extremely tolerant, and have a healthy outlook on life.                 
Crane Attributes: Knowledgeable,
Secretive, Spiritual, Peaceful, Graceful

FROG    “Live loyally today grow and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole”
~The Urantia Book
The Frog is one of the oldest symbols for metamorphosis and finding new direction in life.  When a Frog jumps into your life it might be a great opportunity for transition.  The Frog understands what growing pains are about and are sympathetic to the idea of turning over a new leaf.  Frogs are also good luck symbols, especially for travelers.         
Frog Attributes:  Luck, Rebirth, Renewal, Fertility, Metamorphosis, Opportunity, Transitions, Healing

HERON  “You have stood there patiently for fifteen
 summers and snows” ~ Carolyn  Kizer
One of the Heron’s greatest characteristics is patience. Everything comes to the Heron that waits.  The Heron can hide in plain sight, standing motionless and undetected in shallow water.  They have the unique ability to sit patiently, balanced and wise, while those about them act to soon.    The Heron rises above the clouds to avoid getting rained on, a trait that reminded early Christians to avoid the storms of the material world.  Heron people need to follow their hearts instead of subscribing to conventional wisdom. 
Heron Attributes:  Patience, Innocence, Self Reliance, Unpretentiousness, Emotional Stability

BADGER  “Consider Mr. Badger in "The Wind and the Willows". The child who has once met Mr. Badger has ever afterwards in its bones a knowledge of humanity”~C.S.Lewis 
The image of the Badger is a symbol of bravery, perseverance and protection.  They protect their young at any cost and have been known to fight off wolves and even bears.  The Badger is known for having course manners but frequently cleans out its den and changes its straw bedding.  Despite it’s reputation the Badger is a good example of domestic order and cleanliness.                                      
Badger Attributes:  Strength, Fearlessness,
Gruff honesty, Shyness, Humility, Solitary 
OTTER   “Glistening fur, like water reflecting, through summer and the depth of winter.  They swim round and round.    In the quiet pool of mind” ~Tarka
A romp of otters is a group of these smart, playful, fun loving & energetic animals. Otters are always happy to share with members of their romp. They are faithful, loyal, and teach us that “play” is an important part of life. A little quirky, and unorthodox, the Otter is a hard one to figure out. Perceived as unconventional, the Otter methods aren't the first chosen to get the job done. The Otter has an unusual way of looking at things, but he/she is equipped with a brilliant imagination and intelligence, allowing him/her an edge over every one else. Often very perceptive and intuitive, the Otter makes a good loyal friend.     
Otter Attributes:  Playful & Curious, Free from jealousy or suspicion, Lighthearted, Love of laughter & mischief

BUTTERFLY  "Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower." ~Hans Christian Anderson
Butterflies bring color and joy to our lives.  With unfurling grace and unquestionable majesty, the butterfly casually accepts the drastic changes that occur during its short life.  If we make it a personal responsibility to follow our individual paths with faith and to accept inevitable changes as they come, at our soul-journey’s end we too will have undergone a complete metamorphosis and emerge from our transition as brilliantly as the butterfly.
Butterfly Attributes:  Celebration, Grace, Transformation, Color, Re-birth, Freedom, Inspiration

BEE “The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for love” ~Saint John Chrysostom
Bees are, in many different cultures, a symbol of hope.   They inspire cleanliness, social organization, diligence, tireless work, honey-sweet rhetoric, intelligence, and poetry.  The Bee has a long relationship with humankind as friend and foe. They offer both pain and sweetness.  The hive symbolizes the ideal community as all members work diligently together for the good of the other members.  Bees are able to be successful achieving huge tasks because they are able to work together in large groups.  A single Bee is useless, but a swarming hive is unstoppable.                                                                 
Bee Attributes:  Industry, Creativity, Wealth, Diligence, Eloquence, Hope

BEAR “Relegating grizzlies to Alaska is about like relegating happiness to heaven; one may never get there”  ~Aldo Leopold
No one questions the Bear.  By it’s physical presence the Bear commands confidence, authority, bravery, and power.  At the same time a Bear likes to languish in sunny spots where it can stretch, snooze, and snack on sweet berries after a long day of scratching it’s back on trees.  On one hand you will find a dangerous warrior, on the other an amicable, mellow, easygoing friend.  Bears hibernate.  Each spring after a long period of deep, introspective, comatose sleep the bear emerges, victorious, hungry, and driven to get on with his pragmatic and methodical life.  The Bear’s practical nature makes him a great business partner.  
Bear Attributes:  Strength, Healing, Generosity,
 Patience,Comfort, Bravery, Practicality 

WOLF  "We humans fear the beast within the wolf because we do not understand the beast within ourselves."   ~Gerald Hausman
To understand the wolf you must stop fearing false stereotypes and misconceptions.  The Wolf is a creature of loyalty and strength.  They are gregarious, social creatures and fabulous communicators.  Those who can truly relate to the wolf are usually expressive writers with a knack for eloquent speech.  The Wolf represents deep faith, understanding, and intellect.  Wolves are known in several cultures as great teachers and pathfinders.  They are probably one of the most misunderstood of God’s creatures.  They maintain their individualism while retaining a strong sense of family.  Even though their packs are organized they remain truly free spirits. 
Wolf Attributes:  Intelligent, Devoted, Communicative, Loving, Loyalty

SOW    “Run pig! Be free! I would if I could.”   ~ Charlottes Web
For such a selfless, determined, devoted & protective mother the poor Sow always seems to get a bad rap.  She shouldn’t since many cultures consider the Sow a symbol of fertility and good luck.  She also represents sincerity honesty, abundance, wealth, generosity, nourishment, and discovery.  Even today ‘piggy banks’ are given to children for encouraging savings.  Not surprisingly the sow is the epitome of strength  & fearless passion.  She will gladly give her life to save her children.
Sow Attributes: Inspiration, Motherhood, Self Sacrifice, Sincerity

SNOW DROP “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot
 and the wind blows cold:  when it is summer in the light, and winter in the  shade.
~Charles Dickens
“Snowy” and “Flower of Hope” are appropriate names for one of the earliest spring flowers to arrive during bitter cold conditions. The Snowdrop symbolizes the renewal of life that comes in the spring, or perhaps eternal life beyond the grave for those who have died.  According to legend the Snowdrop became the symbol of hope when Adam & Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden.  When Eve had just about given up hope that the cold winters would never end, an angel appeared.  She transformed some of the snowflakes into Snowdrop flowers reaffirming to Eve that winters will eventually give way to spring.     
Snow Drop Attributes:  Hope, Love, Beauty Renewal

DOLPHIN “But as I touched the crystal surface I became what I longed to be, my body shimmered and changed and I became a dolphin of the sea”
   ~Stacy Quackenbush
The Dolphin is an emblem of safe travel, harmonious feelings, great intelligence, and a natural understanding for the rhythm of life. The sea symbolizes emotion; its moods move just like our emotions. Dolphins encourage us to move with the ebb and flow of life.  They do not dwell on the meaning of life; they simply live life to the fullest as a part of the cosmic dance.  
Dolphin Attributes:  Joy, Freedom, Friendship, Intelligence, Kindness, Harmony, Trust, Charity, Playfulness, Community

EAGLE    "There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud"    ~Carl Sandburg
The Eagle represents salvation & redemption, speed in comprehension, and discrimination in matters of ambiguity.  Its wings are symbols of protection. The sharp talons symbolize despair.  Take purposeful, meditative time to connect with the Eagle, and discover what kind of glorious insight it can share with you. The Eagle encourages the illumination of the spirit, and connection with higher truths.   You will most certainly be inspired to  "Fly Higher”.
Eagle Attributes:  Vision, Power, Focus, Skill, Determination, Freedom, Protection, Authority, Liberation

FISH “When you feel neglected, think of the female salmon, who lays 3,000,000 eggs  but no one remembers her on Mother’s Day” ~ Sam Ewing
Beneath the water is that which is certainly there, but cannot be seen.  It represents faith.  The Fish has similar symbolic meanings.  The Fish symbolizes strength of purpose.  It will not be deterred from the unpleasantness of swimming upstream even when faced with a certain death.  With perseverance the Fish faces all adversity. Because of its strength and determination it overcomes obstacles.  Some say it’s just lucky.  Fish swimming in schools can symbolize cooperation or familial harmony. A ‘school of fish’ represents a new way to learn.       
Fish Attributes:  Eternity, Fertility, Creativity, Luck, Knowledge, Spirituality, Community

HARE “The other day when I was walking through the woodsI saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree”
~Stephen Wright
Rabbit people are lucky in love. They are smooth talkers, talented, virtuous, and   reserved. They have exceedingly fine taste and are regarded with admiration and trust. Though sensitive sentimental creatures that are easily moved to tears, the driving passion being the desire for an easy comfortable life. Several religions consider the rabbit a symbol of faith. To Buddhists the hare symbolizes self--sacrifice. Christians see the rabbit’s alertness and speed as a sign of vigilance and the need to flee from sin and temptation.  Rabbits remind us of Spring, new life, spiritual awakening, and rebirth.   
Rabbit Attributes:  Peace, Fertility, New life, Luck, Spiritual awakening, Sensitivity
GOOSE  “Many wearing  rapiers are afraid of goose quills
~William Shakespear
Geese are gifted navigators and instinctively know how to move forward with confidence and bravery.  They work as a team to communicate warnings.  Geese are extremely protective of their young, never hesitating to go to any extreme to protect them.  They are kind, loving and compassionate keepers of the community.  The goose encourages us to remember those that helped you through life. Trust your intuition and communicate clearly your needs to others.  Most importantly the Goose advises us to keep our priorities straight.
Goose Attributes:  Communication, Teamwork,
Loyalty, Bravery, Confidence 

LYNX Lynx-eyes to our neighbors, and moles to ourselves
~ Jean de La Fontaine
Because of its sharp vision and hearing he Lynx is credited with the supernatural ability to see through error and falsehood.  The elusive Lynx appears to have a secretive smile of already knowing what others are vainly trying to figure out.  This creature is the keeper of deep secrets and hidden knowledge.   It symbolizes the need to look deeply within our selves to discover what is hidden right beneath the surface. The Lynx is primarily a solitary creature.  We may take its presence as a sign for us to step back from the company of certain people in our lives. Or it may be trying to tell us that we need some time to ourselves.  Alone time is time for us to reflect, and regain our energy.  The Lynx teaches us how to be alone without being lonely. 
Lynx Attributes:  Intuition, Honest, Secretive, Knowledgeable, Vision, Patience, Solitude, Elusive
MAGPIE  "Memory is a magpie after chips of colored glass and ribbon
rather than the upright accuracy of objective sequence  ~ Larry Woiwode   
The mirror test is a measure of self awareness that only nine species can pass, Humans, Apes, Elephants, Dolphins, and Magpies make the short list of animals that have the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror.  More often than not the Magpie is faulted for trickery, with any intelligence being used in deceptive schemes. This is an unfair characterization for such a bright and expressive bird.  The magpie’s chatter is symbolic for communication and creative expression.  The message indicates that perhaps we need to listen with more attention, speak our minds more clearly, and be more creative with the spoken word.  The Magpie’s obsession with shiny things relates to our tendency to chase after false ideas or perceptions.
Magpie Attributes:  Social, Flashy, Intelligent, Willful 

MOUSE “If you can dream it you can do it.  Always   remember that this whole thing started with adream and a mouse” ~Walt Disney
Mythical scholars say it represents an aspect of the Divine within us.  The mouse is a wise little animal, quietly getting on with his business and accomplishing his purpose without too much attention. From the mouse we can learn to pay attention to the little details that may get overlooked in our over-eagerness to see the big picture.  Mice can teach us how to focus and how to achieve the ‘big’ things by working on the little things.  A mouse’s home is always in order.  They are organized but do have a habit of over focusing on insignificant details and being overly concerned with trivia making the simplest of tasks difficult. 
 Mouse Attributes:  Scrutiny, Order, Shyness, Organization, Wisdom, Understanding details, Quiet, Gentle

ROBIN    ”A Robin Redbreast in a cage puts all Heaven in rage” 
~William Blake
The Robin Redbreast is often viewed as a symbol of peace and compassion.  It’s a bird of spring; a time of new growth and new beginnings. It flies into our lives on the winds of change asking us to weed our personal gardens and plant new seeds for our future.  The Robin’s melodic song, pugnacious behavior, and unique beauty have made this perky bird a natural superstar.  They are viewed as peaceful, caring for their families, and minding their own business.  Get alert, get moving, and start enjoying life.  Spring has sprung, tides have turned, and no matter how crummy or grey our world has been it is time for new beginnings!  Enjoy the bright road ahead because it's only going to get brighter.
Robin Attributes:  Charity, Cheer, Contentment, Simplicity, Rebirth, Hope, Light- Heartedness

SEA GULL  “For most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating.  For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight”
~Jonathan Livingston Seagull
A carefree attitude is essential for creating the versatility and freedom that characterizes the Seagull. Seagulls represent triumph over adversity as they soar in harmony through the seasons.  We get a sense of balance from the seagull as it simultaneously grounds itself on earth, lofts freely towards heaven, and navigates through the oceans with magnificent elegance.    

Sea Gull Attributes:  Lightheartedness,Harmony, Balance,Versatility, Creativity 

SEAHORSE “Now, just imagine you’re weightless, in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by tiny little seahorses”~ Napolean Dynamite
Many cultures consider the Seahorse a good luck charm.  This little creature is full of surprises.  As relatively calm and mild mannered, the Seahorse is happy and content to stay where they are and be who they are.   They resist change and are not particularly interested in progress.  They will wrap their tail around anything in order to stay put through turbulent waves.  The eyesight of the Seahorse is very sharp and each eye moves independently of the other.  They ask us to take a good look around.  When we are lost or confused we can use both our physical and spiritual eyes to change the situation.
Seahorse Attributes:  Generosity, Contentment, Patience,
 Perception, Generosity, Luck

SEAL  “Poetry is the journal of a sea animal living on land,
 wanting to fly in the air~Carl Sandburg 
Seal people are incredibly sensitive, artistic, loving, and spiritual; they have a gift that provides them with great kindness and they are generally very flexible individuals.  They keep their heads in the clouds because they are dreamers, romanticists, and can be overly affectionate.  They are playful, loving, and remind us not to take things too seriously.
Seal Attributes: Creative, Affectionate, Dreamer, Playful, Balanced, Flexible, Kind, Harmonious, Spiritual

STAG  "As a Deer longs for a running stream, so my soul longs for the Living God”  ~Psalm 42  
The Stag is proud and rightfully so.  They believe in righteous hard work and when others have long given up they buck right over boundaries.   If you want to start a new project get a Stag to help you.  The Stag is a gentle and graceful creature holding high ideals and aspirations.  If you have ever come across a deer you know that they will wait an eternity until they are sure that it is safe to make the next move.  The Stag asks you to do the same in your spiritual walk.
Stag Attributes:  Love, Grace, Gentleness, Humility, Spiritual, Watchful, Hard working, Persistent

SWAN “Being born in a duck yard does not matter if you are hatched from a swan’s egg” ~Hans Christian Anderson
The Swan lives harmoniously amongst the elements.  She grounds herself on earth while lofting to great heights in the air and winding through water with superb elegance.  The Swan symbolizes love, sensitivity & marriage. Their unions are strong and often sustained for a lifetime.   They encourage us to strengthen our own relationships and to purify the lives we lead.  The Swan stands for the ethereal, perfection, and represents divinely inspired creativity.   
Swan Attributes:  Love, Grace, Union, Purity, Beauty, Balance, Elegance, Partnership, Intuition, Creativity, Emotion 

TREE of LIFE SPRING) “The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.”  ~Bern Williams
The tree is the only living thing that continues to grow throughout its lifetime.  Trees provide shelter. Tall and strong, they have deep roots. They reach skyward.  They lose their leaves and grow new ones, make fruit and enrich the air we breathe.  With nurture and care, they can be a gift for generations to come.  A beloved symbol in cultures and faiths around the world, the Tree of Life links the heavens, the earth, and all that is hidden and growing beneath.  It seems only natural to adopt the tree as a symbol of personal growth. 
Tree of Life Attributes:  Wisdom, Understanding, Intelligence, Mercy, Grace, Power, Beauty, Majesty

TREE of LIFE AUTUMN  “A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand. I think, I too have known Autumn too long”    ~e.e.cummings  
The tree is the only living thing that continues to grow throughout its lifetime.  Trees provide shelter. Tall and strong, they have deep roots. They reach skyward.  They lose their leaves and grow new ones...bear fruit...enrich the air we breathe.  With nurture and care, they can be a gift for generations to come.  A beloved symbol in cultures and faiths around the world, the Tree of Life links the heavens, the earth, and all that is hidden and growing beneath.  It seems only natural to adopt the tree as a symbol of personal growth.  
Tree of Life Attributes:  Wisdom, Understanding, Intelligence, Mercy, Grace, Power, Beauty, Majesty

TREE of LIFE WINTER  "Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk 
 beside the fire: it is the time for home." ~Edith Sitwell
The tree is the only living thing that continues to grow throughout its lifetime.  Trees provide shelter. Tall and strong, they have deep roots. They reach skyward.  They lose their leaves and grow new ones...bear fruit...enrich the air we breathe.  With nurture and care, they can be a gift for generations to come.  A beloved symbol in cultures and faiths around the world, the Tree of Life links the heavens, the earth, and all that is hidden and growing beneath.  It seems only natural to adopt the tree as a symbol of personal growth. 
Tree of Life Attributes:  Wisdom, Understanding, Intelligence, Mercy, Grace, Power, Beauty, Majesty

TREE of LIFE SUMMER  ”For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.“ ~Martin Luther
The tree is the only living thing that continues to grow throughout its lifetime.  Trees provide shelter. Tall and strong, they have deep roots. They reach skyward.  They lose their leaves and grow new ones...bear fruit...enrich the air we breathe.  With nurture and care, they can be a gift for generations to come.  A beloved symbol in cultures and faiths around the world, the Tree of Life links the heavens, the earth, and all that is hidden and growing beneath.  It seems only natural to adopt the tree as a symbol of personal growth. 
Tree of Life Attributes:  Wisdom, Understanding, Intelligence, Mercy, Grace, Power, Beauty, Majesty 

BULL “The bull so thunderous and naturally fierce
 He paws the ground with no time for fears” ~ Deborah Kells   
Just as the astrological sign of Taurus suggests, a bull that has made up his mind is unstoppable.  Bull people can be extremely stubborn, and are powerful in both their physical and spiritual presence.  They have a keen sense of right and wrong and will not be swayed in defending their position on a subject.  They are also symbolic of peace, harmony and cooperation.  Bulls have been labeled as “beasts of burden” by taking on tremendous tasks of strength in order to help others in their labors.  Bulls do this with peace and stoic nobility.  It’s no wonder the normally calm-natured animal is held sacred by so many.                   
Bull Attributes:  Fertility, Reliable, Wealth, Stubbornness,
Morality, Strength, Cooperation 

WREN  “He who shall hurt the little wren shall never be beloved by men”  ~William Blake  
The wren is a quite sociable little bird. She encourages us to keep a happy heart, turn the other cheek, and be kind to others.  They remain calm in the midst of stormy weather and are nice to have around during a crisis.  Symbolic for sharing tasks within a home, both the male and female take part in caring for the young.  They are never lazy or looking for excuses.  For the wren, home is where the heart is.  In this respect, the wren reminds us that it’s not the material things we collect, but rather the relationships we make along the way that really count.                                                                                             
Wren Attributes:  Friendliness, Sharing, Determined, Active, Integrity, Cheerful, Home loving, Free Spirited, Light Hearted 

CAT  I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul. ~ Jean Cocteau         
Cat people have a creative mind.  They are sensual, loyal, trustworthy, and keep their beliefs crystal clear.  They are quick witted and adept at being able to change gears quickly.  The cat seems to have a sixth sense and knack for seeing right through to the heart of a matter.  They should be called on whenever a fresh perspective is needed.  Cats appear aloof because they like to observe from the fringe but really do have good intentions.  They are very creative   and need an artistic outlet to express themselves.             
Cat Attributes:  Creative, Mysterious, Honesty, Cleanliness,
 Comfort, Selective, Clever

HAWK   Even when the air currents are ascending, no bird can soar except by outstretched wings”. ~The Urantia Book
Seldom will you find more focus than with the Hawk.  They ask us to open our eyes and appreciate what is right in front of us. Hawks are open- minded, philosophical and will entertain all manner of hypotheses.  Hawk people are strongly opinionated but that is not to say they cannot be persuaded.  They adore wisdom and love to share their knowledge with others.  Hawks have a keen sense of balance allowing them to navigate through life with integrity.
Hawk Attributes:  Clear Vision, Knowledge, Decisiveness, Integrity, Sharing, Generous, Wisdom

ROOSTER “They’ve tried to get the town to shut that rooster down
~Peter Miller
Roosters are all about showing off their brilliant colors and flaunting their sparkling personality.  Roosters are sometimes a little too sure of them selves and need to think before being argumentative.  They bring humor, enthusiasm, and a great sense of optimism.  Roosters can usually bounce back from any set back.  The Rooster is the first to announce a new day and is the universal symbol of the rising sun and new beginnings.
Rooster Attributes:  Flamboyance, Courage, Sexiness, Honesty, Protection, Strength, Watchfulness, Redemption, Ambition

TURTLE  “Anytime you see a turtle up on top of a fence post, you know he had some help” ~Alex Haley

Turtles symbolize beginnings, endings, and the shifting of life's circumstances.  They tell us to pay attention to good opportunities or they may never be offered again.  When a turtle shows up in your life you should be asking yourself a few questions.  Do you use discrimination in making decisions?  Do you see and hear only what you want, or do you listen carefully and try to learn from what is being presented to you?  The turtle will move along slowly but at a steady clip.  It knows that with time it will eventually get where it needs to be.  They won’t be distracted from making progress.  Turtles also remind us to be proper stewards of the earth.  Their shell is their home.  Just as the turtle cannot separate itself from its shell, neither can we separate ourselves from what we do to the earth.
Turtle Attributes:  Earthy, grounded, longevity, protection, shelter, steady, patience, wisdom, vision and clairvoyance

COW  “Kiss till the cows come home” ~Francis Beaumont
The calm and tender Cow has always been invaluable to humans.  They represent our connection with the land and the bounty with which we have been given.  Grazing Cows are symbols of prosperity, fertility, contentment and happiness.   Philosophically the cow symbolizes the creative nature.  Some cultures consider the Cow as being holy; others believe that the Cow represents Mother Nature itself.  She is a symbol for luck, for children, wishes fulfilled and good fortune to households.
Cow Attributes:  Patience, Nourishment,
 Fertility, Potential, Calmness, Purity, Happiness, Motherhood

BOAR  "It is better for us to make friends, than to become the food of Crows or Vultures."  Aesops Fables, The Lion and the Boar  

Who wants to be the Boar?  Actually plenty of people do, the Boar is a very noble creature to identify with.  He meets his enemies with fierce courage and will die fighting to protect his family.  The pig is an extremely intelligent and sensitive animal.  Science has discovered that the pig is relatively close to humans in its genetics, enough so that it is the most practical animal to use for organ transplants.  Some actually feel that eating pork may almost be considered a form of cannibalism.  
Boar Attributes:  Courage, Bravery, Leadership, Warrior Spirit, Direction Health, Protection, Perseverance

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